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The NEO-F-500 is an advanced and high-performance workstation designed for the fully automated processing of fluorometric and colorimetric microplate-based immunoassays (ELISA & FLISA). Engineered for speed, precision, and flexibility, it integrates all essential functions for seamless assay execution.

Advanced funcitionalities
  • High-precision pipetting system with low dead volume
  • Shaker-incubators ensuring accurate temperature control and efficient mixing
  • High-performance 96-well microplate washer with DBS removal
  • Multi-wavelength absorbance reader (405, 450, 550, 630 nm)
  • Fluorescence capability (excitation/emission) for high-sensitivity detection
  • Validated on multiple assay kits:
    • Absorbance-based assays: TSH, 17OHP, IRT
    • Fluorescence-based assays: PKU, TGAL, MSUD, BTD, G6PD, GAL-T, TSH, 17OHP, IRT
  • Fully automated—no manual steps required
  • Optional open platform and LIS connection
  • Simplified maintenance procedures

A powerful and scalable solution for laboratories looking to optimize their immunoassay workflow with high-precision fluorometric and colorimetric analyses.

Scientific precision for the smallest lives, with minimal effort.

Key Features

icon fast
High speed and throughput
icon convenient
Fully automated assays
icon flexibility
Flexible workbench setup
icon user-friendly
Intuitive and customizable software
icon practical
Efficient reagent and waste management
icon multiplexing
Supports up to 5 microplates simultaneously
icon adaptability
LIS and puncher connection available

Research and Development

Our vision

At LaCAR, we envision a world where everyone benefits from rapid and reliable genetic diagnostics, enabling personalised healthcare while contributing to more equitable and sustainable global public health.

Aware of these challenges, our R&D team is committed to meeting the needs of customers and patients, taking into account the specific recommendations of different countries and continents, as well as advances in academic research and technology.

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