The LAMP Human A1AT KIT is an in vitro diagnostic test intended for the qualitative detection of two SERPINA1 alleles, Pi*Z and Pi*S by Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) on EDTA whole blood and extracted DNA. This assay is dedicated to professional use in diagnostic laboratories. The device is not for self-testing.
The SERPINA1 gene encodes the protein alpha-1 antitrypsin. Multiple mutations have been identified, of which Pi*Z (rs289299474) and Pi*S (rs17580) are the most common causes of sever alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, which may result in lunger or liver disease. Symptoms are shortness of breath, weezing, increased risk of lung infections, COPD, emphysema, cirrhosis and liver failure. The disease severity depends on the allele, and one defective allele result in a milder form than two defective alleles.
Format: 24 or 96 determinations
Storage: At -20°C. 8 freeze and thaw max.
Possible automation: Yes
Analysis software : Yes
Turn around time: Around 1 hour
Disease Information

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